Friday, November 21, 2008

Ain't got much to say

Over on my Myspace blog I posted about how much I love the show Mad Men and how I plan on watching an epic marathon tonight. So yeah - not a whole lot to talk about today.
I'm glad it's Friday.
I'm glad I don't normally have to work on Fridays because it's really over-rated.
I'm REALLY glad next week is a three-day week.
And that next month is a two-week month.
I think I'm a little burnt out on work. Just a little.

We're supposed to have another two nights of "hard freezes" this weekend. When I told Brian, he said, "As opposed to soft freezes?" Smartass. Anyway. With the way the weather's been, I'd be surprised if we didn't get some snow this winter. We got ripped off last year, only having a couple of days of freezing rain, sleet, or as the weather people called it "Wintery mix." It would be really cool if it snowed for Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath for that one. If we do get any, it'll probably be in January or February. I'll take it whenever. Haven't seen it in three years. It is time.

Yeah, so.
I could think of a lot more inane babble to write, but I'll spare you. You're welcome and have a very pleasant evening.


Whiskeymarie said...

I'm planning an exciting evening of watching "the Wire" on DVD and eating pizza. Woo hoo.

Yay. Us.

Anonymous said...

Umm...I know where you could see some snow soon, you know, if you'd like to go for a little drive. ;)