Friday, September 5, 2008

OMG, Sarah Palin has a twat and she knows how to USE it

I really, really have to stop reading about anything political on the internet, because yesterday my head came very very close to exploding. Let me just say this and then let's be done with it. There's this thing called a "gray area". Not everything is black and white and people who make sweeping generalizations based on a soundbite or a clip from the media are just fucking retarded.

Get this: technically I'm a Jew from New York who grew up during the height of women's lib. Now I live in South Carolina, attend a Baptist church and have conservative political leanings. Don't try to put me in a box or label me, motherfucker, or I will cut you. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, BITCH! STREETS!

Whew, I feel so much better now.

I guess I should just feel bad for close-minded ignorant people. They miss out on so very much in life that's good. But really there are some days I just want to hit someone and hit them hard. It would be easier to just not give a shit, which is the attitude a lot of people take; I'm just incapable of it. Which is why I'm medicated a lot of the time. Here's what you do. No matter what your political/religious/social/fiscal/sexual/favorite football team leanings are, it doesn't matter. Try to make choices every day that at the end of the day, you're able to sleep peacefully at night. Yes, you will fuck up. I've fucked up a lot. But that's okay. You can start over the next day. If you see someone who needs help, help them. Trash on the ground, pick it up. Someone is sad, try to make them laugh. Hug a fucking tree if that makes you feel better, but just do the right thing. That tends to lead to other good things happening, both for you and the people around you. Don't listen to what someone on TV tells you to do (listen to me, haha!). Don't expect the government to help you. Get off your ass and help yourself. I promise, no one cares about you and yours as much as you do.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Well said hon. Saw your name on 'What I Wore Today', thought I'd come over :-)

Sarah Palin makes my flesh crawl, and I don't even live in the US! One heartbeat away, as they say...let's hope not...