Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vacation, all I ever wanted

I remember the days when Summer = vacation, no buts, no cuts, no coconuts. By the time the last day of school hit, we already had plans in place and I'd be excitedly marking days on the calendar counting down. My parents, though I now know didn't have an unending supply of money like I assumed back then, somehow managed to take us on some badass trips. I don't remember how old I was when they bought our RV (we always called it "the motorhome") but from the time I was a tween until just a few years ago when my dad passed away, there was always a motorhome in our lives.

And in it, we traveled everywhere; one summer going all the way to Malibu Beach, CA, another to the very edge of Maine. How did my dad get six weeks' vacation in the summer being a golf pro? Maybe no one plays golf in Florida then? I have no idea, but damn that was cool. Other summers we just made the trip from Florida to New York where the majority of our relatives were and there we stayed. Those summers were the best of all. We lived in the motorhome for three months, parked on the edge of the golf course parking lot where Dad worked. Golf. Pool. Cook-outs. Sleepovers with cousins. Movies. Ice cream cone runs. There is nowhere on earth like the Catskill Mountains in the summertime.

When I finally get my Flux Capacitor, it will be to those times I'll McFly back to.

I'm thinking that's the origin of my love for life on the road. Because while I'm always up for a road trip, there's something about this time of year that sets off my internal clock - it's time to GO. Somewhere. Anywhere. I don't care where. While I love to read and hear about everyone's summer travel plans, I'm getting a little crazy to make some plans of my own. And with Brian having just started a new job with no vacation time in the near future, it would just be me going solo. Not my first choice, but it's never stopped me before. I gots to go.

Financially and otherwise Florida makes the most sense, as that's where my peoples be. And I miss those fools. A lot. So while that wouldn't be the adventure of seeing new and exciting things (I can drive that four hundred and twenty-something miles with my eyes closed and sometimes do), that's probably where I'll end up going. There have been several aborted trips down there in the last few months, so I hesitate to put a date on it yet, but I right now I'm aiming for the week of July 4th - you know, when the whole rest of the world will also be on the road. I like to do what the in-crowd does, after all. Even when the in-crowd is stuck in stand-still traffic with overheating engines on I-75. Yeah, I can smell it now.

I don't mind using precious vacation time to go there, just like when we lived there, we always came here. When there are people you love but don't get to see very often, it kind of makes the choice really easy for you. Family is so important to both of us. And while that has definitely prevented us from traveling to a lot of other places we'd love to eventually see, it's okay. Our tenth anniversary is in October; I'm thinking a long weekend away Somewhere Else for just the two of us then would be an appropriate way to celebrate. So not only am I thinking about getting away in a month, I'm already longing for the next trip after that.

I can't help it. I got the fever.

Help me out; tell me your summer vacation plans. Until the time I get away, I want to think and dream and live vicariously through you. If you don't have any solid plans, tell me your wishful vacation plans. Or even the best vacation you ever took. I'm not picky; I wanna hear it all.


Anonymous said...

You're not gonna like this...

I have no vacation plans. I have no time off and if I did I'm really too broke to justify going anywhere other than a little weekender (which I LOVE to do).

Growing up we were never able to afford to go anywhere because my Mom worked jobs that afforded her no paid time off. So we spent our time around home and at the softball field where she watched me play. We went to the beach often and sometimes hit local fairs and flea markets. Things I still like to do today.

Once I was old enough and started making my own money I finally took my Mom on her first "real" vacation. We went to Las Vegas to see Amy. After she moved out west with me, I'd still take her there to see Amy but we would drive and she loved it. I only regret I never got to take her to the Grand Canyon and she really wanted to see it. I know Laura didn't think it was a big deal and I didn't think I would be moved at all by a giant hole in the ground either. But I was honestly awestruck when I finally saw it and that made me even sadder that I never got to take my Mom.

LL Cool Joe said...

As you've probably guessed we travel quite a bit. The UK has crap weather and I long for some sun. In a couple of weeks I'm flying to Italy again, to Rome for a long weekend with a small group of friends and some family. Without the kids and partner. Yes!

Then in August we'll head off to the States. We being the other half and kids, and our closest friends and their 3 kids. We go away with them every year and manage to never fall out which is pretty amazing. Well be away for 14 to 16 days I think.

Sometimes we take a short break again early October to somewhere like Dubai. I loved Dubai.

We work on the assumption that my partners job won't last forever, and the kids are growing up and won't want to travel with us soon, plus aging parents etc. so we are making the most of it before things change.

crisitunity said...

This is the first year of my life that I've managed to relax about taking vacation time off from my job - and not worried that I'm somehow showing weakness to my employer - so I'm taking almost two weeks this summer. One week we'll be at BF's parents' summer home in upstate New York. It's a wonderful place except that of course there's a lot of Family Activities instead of just enjoying the vacationness. Abba is gong to be in concert in the area, and I am SO seeing Abba in concert. Hells yes.

Then I go back to work on Monday and Tuesday of the following week to catch up, and then I fly to Florida to see my mom for the remainder of that week.

Florida in July. I am so smart.

PS: My family did not go on vacation once in my entire remembered childhood.

Kim said...

Cris - Upstate NY then Florida; who are you, me? Because I ALWAYS feel smart whenever I'm down there in July! And I'm jealous, jealous of your NY trip; there's nowhere better to be in the summer.

Anonymous said...

It looks like I am going back to Michigan for a reunion and confronting parents abot a lot of crap...this should be interesting reading for everyone in the middle of August.

Hold onto your hats!!!!

easytravel said...

great vocation. thanks for share. if you don't mind visit my blog.OK